Welcome To Checkmate Chess

The Definitive Tool to help learn and increase your knowledge about the game of chess.

Beginners Lessons To help you learn how to play chess

Intermediate Lessons To help Improve Your Chess

““Chess holds its master in its own bonds, shackling the mind and brain so that the inner freedom of the very strongest must suffer.” Albert Einstein

This just proves the importance of Chess. Chess is a wonderful game that a lot of people play. If you are knew to chess , this website will help you learn the game of chess to make this a better past time for you. This website will be your ultimate guide and will help you all the way in the road to become a chess master.

This chess website also has all the content for the quizzes and notes for every one of my YouTube videos. The different website pages will give you a detailed guide of which video to watch when , and will make you maximize the sue of this website.

Subscribe Now to get awesome chess content from my YouTube channel. Then, you can join the Checkmate Chess club for free by subscribing to my YouTube channel.